RADIO DADA returns, to celebrate AN ENTIRE YEAR of audio existence and obscurity!! We'd like to thank all who have helped us get this far, and we hope to bring you far more bizarrity in the year to come. We celebrate today with a work by Danny Lee, Allied Fracture, and Jesse Baird. THANK YOU, ENJOY, AND SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT
RADIO DADA RETURNS with a very special episode featuring none other than infamous surrealist prank-caller Longmont Potion Castle! Listen in for unreleased recordings exclusive...
Are You Ready ? – Written by Jake Gonnella, performed by Laurel SchusterAsemic Writing Song/Ksekathara – Tatiana RoumeliotiSketch for Radio I – Written by...
We have returned! Please enjoy this chaotic audio offering on behalf of Radio Dada “An Earlier Version of Madeline” – Jake Gonnella“Radio Dada Loves...